Friday, June 20, 2008

Lazy Day

Today was a lazy day at home with the girls. We had plans to take Brookelynn to the fountain at the Gateway to play in the water, but that plan was ruined when I woke up this morning having an allergic reaction. I had hives all over my body and my hands and eyes were very swollen. I went to the doctors and found out that my allergic reaction was to the Loratab I was prescribed after delivery. I was miserable most of the day, but am feeling better tonight after a dose of benadryl. We are hoping to make it to the fountain tomorrow, so hopefully I will have some cute pics of that to post tomorrow!!!

Caught Brookelynn trying to be the helpful big sister!!! Too cute!
Hanging out
Ryan trying to multi task with the girls
Snuggling with her woobie! I LOVE this photo!