Friday, August 29, 2008

What's been going on

My girls are growing soooo fast...hasn't anyone invented a machine yet to make the process go slower?????

Brookelynn is getting so mischevious, her vocabulary is growing daily, and she loves her sister more and more everyday.

She is to the stage now when she has been quiet for a long period of time I had better hurry and figure out what she is doing or getting into, as it is usually something she shouldn't be doing or getting into!!! We are coming up on those terrible two's pretty quickly, although if you could see some of her fits you might say that we are already there with her all out fall down, kicking and screaming.

Since our trip home to Washington in July she has started talking soooo much more. She has started using her manners, saying please and thank you, sometimes even your welcome! She is learning her shapes and colors too. It is just amazing how quickly her litte mind is gaining knowledge!

And as far as her sister goes, she just can't leave her alone for very long. Instead of coming to see me first when she wakes up she runs in and straight to her sisters bassinet to say "Hi" over and over again until she gets Ady to start waking up!!! She can't wait to play with her sister!! But I can!!!!

Since my last post Adyson has grown a lot and is starting to develop her personality!

She has always been a smiley girl, but she has the biggest smiles now and is on the verge of getting a giggle out. She is discovering her voice now too. She talks a lot...her favorite time to start talking lately has been at 5:30 in the morning...but I guess I can't complain...she sleeps through the night, and I would definately rather wake up to her talking than the stupid alarm clock!!!

We also just had her 2 month doctors appointment. I thought for sure that she was chubbier than Brookelynn was at 2 months old but I compared their stats and believe it or not they are almost identicle in size. Adyson was 23 inches long and 11 pounds 6.5 ounces. At 2 months old Brookelynn was 23.5 inches long and 11 pounds even!

Well that is all the updates I have for now...Hope everyone enjoys all the photos. Sorry everything is soo out of order and all over the place.


Rob and Susie said...

It's about time. Glad to have a update.